Wednesday, February 29, 2012
What if?
So as I looked at the window today and saw the bright white snow coming down I thought to myself "What if snow wasn't white?" What I mean is say snow was like blue, green, or even red, would we still find it beautiful. Would you still see artificial snow around Christmas time? Would the song instead be "I'm Dreaming of a Blue Christmas?" No offense to the other colors but I don't think blue covered tree tops and roofs are quite as beautiful and scenic as white ones. Who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. All I'm saying is it would be a whole new world if snow wasn't white.
P.S. Imagine how sick it would be if snow was green. Haha it would be green all year and there would be no better way to celebrate a snow fall than some green of your own if you catch my drift. (Or as some prefer, if your picking up what I'm putting down)
P.S. Imagine how sick it would be if snow was green. Haha it would be green all year and there would be no better way to celebrate a snow fall than some green of your own if you catch my drift. (Or as some prefer, if your picking up what I'm putting down)
Time for a Science Experiment...No Literally
I feel like shit right now. Headache, sore throat, you name it. Anyway I'm going to see if marijuana really is the miracle medicine. In just a few minutes I will begin taking my daily dosage of the plant via my friend's bong. Can't wait to see the results and to answer the question everyone is always wondering...Does smoking weed help cure a sore throat?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Smoking Babe of the Day
Damn....nuff said. For all you critics saying that the babe's of the day are not attractive this one's for you.
This Pic Just Gets Me Everytime
I don't know what it is. Is their faces, the classic stoner bedroom, or the fact that I just fucking love dogs, cartoons, awkward moments, and smoking. I just always smile when I see that white dogs facial expression. It reminds me of the expression the Kool-Aid guy makes when he breaks through the courtroom in family guy and then quietly tip toes back out as if nothing happened.
Can you say banana joint?
So I just came up with one of the greatest weed smoking ideas of the decade. I legitamtely want to patent this because once this takes of it's going to spread like a California Wildfire. (Literally it might cause as much smoke as one of those." It goes something like this, you know when you were younger and kids you know would smoke out of apples. It was the easiest way to smoke for someone that didn't own their device and didn't want to use an aluminum can. Well anyway what if you unpealed a banana and made a small tunnel going through it the long way (you could just do this using piece of wire or even a toothpick.Now fill this hollow section out and fill it up with the greenery. You now have a banana joint. Yeah I understand the fruit part wouldn't burn but you could line the tunnel with rolling papers or something so the good stuff stays lit. This is genius I know. What else could we use? Maybe perhaps a carrot, asparagus, cucumbers you name it. And here's a kind of spinoff of this. You know how coconuts have hard outer shells with you have to puncture a hole in to drink the milk juice ( At least I think it's juice. Could be milk. Don't quote me on this) well you could definitely fill up one of those suckers with water and have a home day coconut bong. It's like fruit and weed were just meant to go together.
Monday, February 27, 2012
God I miss the 90's
I just fucking love this song. Bottom-Line. I don't know if that soothing reassuring sound of that girls voice, or when the harmonica comes in at the end, or just the odd lyrics and the dude's voice, but there's just something about that song. Definitely a great high choice. Let the 90's live on.
Great "High"dea
So I just decided that SSS is gonna try out a new slogan everyday this week and then we can have a vote to see what your favorite slogan is. Prior to today our slogan was "Created by the average stoner, for the average stoner" and starting today it will change daily. Check us out everyday to see what our genius slogan generators could come up with. (Hahah or maybe I just want to force you to go on my website everyday. The world will never know...)
Let Me Reiterate The Rules
As I believe I mentioned some time ago this is a "SecretStonerSociety" Stoner meaning you'r most likely high if your on this website. The bottom line, you should only be viewing if site if your currently stoned (meaning baked, reefer, toked, lit, blazed,cold, or high). Now I obviously have no way of enforcing this and you know frankly I don't think I need one. As I will mention in a later post, Smoking (like Golf) is Gentlemen's and part of that reputation is based on the principle of honesty. Thank you and enjoy the site...
And This Week's "Only when you're high's..."
Only when you're high do simple things like the 12th floor vending take on the appearnce and spirit of the savior Christ. Just the near sight of them brings you to a stoner's paradise. Even though the process of putting in your money and receiving your munchy in return seems so simple, when your high this is such a thrilling, mysterious, and fascinating that makes finally getting your hands on your chosen snack feel oh so much better.
Light?....No I'm All Set Man
So you know what one of the best smoking moments is, it's when you hit the "said smoking device" and right after you're done passing that "said device from above" and then you immediantely raise your holding hand in the air to naturally of course give them the all so essential lighter but then wait, your teammate makes nice firm eye contact with you, nods his/her head with a smile, and then shows of his own personal lighter, and you respond with a similar gesture with both you bearing a great stoned smile. It's like he's being generous by offering you it, and then you just completely repay his generousity with the fact that now the other guy doesn't have to fork over his beloved lighter and take on the liability of loosing it and what not. This interaction is great also because it's one of those high moments that's in a way like an inside joke (we all love when you're high with a high body and you and him take on a weird inside joke that nobody else in the group know) because only you and your partner had that interaction where you both exchanged some odd gestures. It's great bonding for you and that other smoker. The ultimate best, however, is when that same odd interaction happens again the next time the "said smoking device" is passed to you. Hahaha of those were the glory days....[cough cough cough].
Smoking's the new golf haven't you heard?
So I was thinking about how the sports of golf and smoking have an awful lot in common with the main commonality being that they are both known as "The Gentlemen's Game". I was just thinking how well smoking holds up to its notable reputation as "The Gentleman's Game". I mean first starters where it is golfer's etiquette to never lie about your score, the smoking etiquette is solely based on the characteristics of honesty, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, loyalty, compassion, and just being a warm hearted man that hooks a brotha up!!!" Stoners For Life My Brothers... Let the light never die... Smoke on.....Smoke on...hsshhwwoooooohhhh.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Smokin' Babe of the Day
Oh I just love the green. WTF is the white thing at the end of the bong. Is that a condom? If it is then this girl just went up a few notches in my book.
My 2 sense (or should I say High 2 Sense)
Alright I know you are all thinking like wtf Clarence? No, but seriously take a second to think about this. I'm no amateur to modern dumb comedies so believe me I realize that the character was played by Adam Scott. What I am saying is they should have gotten Ben Stiller to play that part. Like legitimately he would have done it so much better. He would have killed it like Pontius Pilate. (Had to throw some religious joke in here somewhere---come on its the season of lent) Now listen I know what you're all thinking---Ben Stiller? Like from Meet the Parents?....The simple answer is NO! Ben Stiller from his acting and playing (like the sport) days as White Goodman, the star and face of the evil Globo-Gym team in the movie DodgeBall. Like I'm pretty sure the design of Derek was models after Still as Goodman. Like I can just so see White doing some weird quick hand and finger motions as he says {probably gonna massacre this quote [another place where I could have set up a Jesus joke...or even a Hitler joke but that would be sick.--(as in fucked up)]} "The truth is I just smoked a J out in my car a few minutes ago... ...so feeling a little spacey". Like I can so see White from Dodgeball saying that. I'm pretty sure in both movies there 's a scene where the show of their ripped abs (so ripped that it just looks funny) and make some dumb comment. Matter of fact, why didn't they just straight up use White from Dodge ball as Derek. They pretty much could have just taken scenes from Dodgeball and inserted. The characters are one in the same. Don't
believe me? Take a gander yourself.
Just check out his entrance with those hand motions. I can so see him doing that while saying ,"Feeling kind of spacey." (Below)
Smoking Babe of the Day
I don't know what it is but something about the stare just makes this girl so sexy. Plus, you can't complain about the classic bowl.
The Lighter
Everyone's heard of it, dreamt of it, and if you're on this site then you've probably experienced this first hand. The infamous, unexplainable, and unavoidable lighter disappearance that takes place at every smoking circle. You know after a few minutes of everyone in their own worlds thinking in deep thought random deep shit and finally the person that has the bong in front of them decides to finally take a hit, looks on the floor, checks his pockets, looks around, checks his pocket again, then pops the famous question "Yo u got the lighter?" and everyone looks around checks their pockets but come up empty. Lot
of good lights lost in those smoking circles. Yeah they are all eventually found (always in some idiot's pocket) but in those few seconds where they get lost wtf actually happens. I always thought about like video taping a smoke session for the sole purpose of seeing what type of wild journey the lighter goes on during the session.
of good lights lost in those smoking circles. Yeah they are all eventually found (always in some idiot's pocket) but in those few seconds where they get lost wtf actually happens. I always thought about like video taping a smoke session for the sole purpose of seeing what type of wild journey the lighter goes on during the session.
Bong's Should Have Theme Songs
I named my ex-Bong after Bob Dylan. Ill go right out and say that. The thing I can't stand more than anything else is cliche or half ass bong names. Like someone's own personal bong is really a part of them and therefore the name should be unique to their relatiuonship and should be something cool that goes along with the bong. For example I knew a guy who had a beautiful deep purple bong. Me, being the clever and witty one, thought that since when you smoke, you have "Smoke on Water" (reference to the song by the band Deep Purple which as I mentioned earlier is the color of the bong), that the bong should thus fore be named Deep Purple and he should play the song Smoke on Water when he uses it.. Didn't work out that way for the poor bong. The idiot named it Boy Blue and all I can think about is how blue the bong must be with such a stupid and generic name. Why didn't he just name it John Smith or Bong.
Anyway...the cool thing that was going to happen (before he passed)was that whenever Dylan and I got together we were going to listen to Bob Dylan specifically Blowin' In the Wind. The bottom line...bongs need theme songs. This one would have been great as well especially cuz there's so many places to go with it. After hearing it you might thing of Cudi and then listen to Cudi and then who knows what. All great smoking music so everyone's a winner.
Anyway...the cool thing that was going to happen (before he passed)was that whenever Dylan and I got together we were going to listen to Bob Dylan specifically Blowin' In the Wind. The bottom line...bongs need theme songs. This one would have been great as well especially cuz there's so many places to go with it. After hearing it you might thing of Cudi and then listen to Cudi and then who knows what. All great smoking music so everyone's a winner.
Don't You Just Love Finding the Song Sampled in One of Your Favorite Songs?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
El Competion (I wanted it to be spanish but I couldn't find the accent thingy)
Alright, as requested by you fellow stoners we are going to have a Smokiest Babe Competition at the end of each week and it's up to y'all to be the judges. If you're not a stoner, u shall have no vote. At the bottom of the page there is a slide show of this weeks babes and a poll next to it. Let's see who the real smoking babe of the week is
I've Heard of Hickory Smoked Bacon But What About Weed Smoked Bacon?
You know how people smoke and steam foods as a way of cooking them? What would happen if the smoke used to smoke meats was from the burning of cannabis? Would you then get high when eating the meat? I feel like weed smoked bacon would be the ultimate breakfast side. Same thing goes when steaming hotdogs and other similar delicacies, what would happen if you combined the steam with marijuana smoke? I know steam and smoke are 2 completely different things but I mean smoke from a bong is a pretty steamy smoke since the smoke first goes through water. Hmmm next time I'm steaming baby hotdogs or next time I go in the woods and hunt down a bear and need to through the meat in the smoke house I think I'm gonna try something new.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Head Shops/Glass Blowers Truly Got It Made
They are so fucking lucky that its just a fact that smoke comes the best and cleanest off of glass. {kinda like how everything (particularly beer) tastes in glass}. God must really love these people because due to this, bongs, bowls, bubblers, you name it, are always fucking breaking and people are constantly needing to buy another one. Even if no new people started smoking this year,it's just a given that people (stoners) are going to break and therefore need new pieces. $$$$Great Industry to Get Involved In ;) $$$$ Not every industry is that lucky. Take baseball bats for example. When people used to use wood bats (I realize they still use wood in MLB) they were always breaking and people would need to buy new ones. Unfortunately, unlike how glass is the best material for smoking, aluminum and compsite are just so much better for hitting a baseball and they also never break. Baseball bat companies really got shafted here.
Random Kick Ass Song of the Day....At least I think so
Maybe u just gotta have a certain taste for this kind of thing....either that or just be reefed. Nevertheless (Always loved that word, I always thought it would be a kick ass name for a rock band), I really had a positive listening experience hearing this track. Always did love Dispatch.
What the fuck is a language?
Have u ever wondered about this concept of language?? Like how the fuck did we communicate before language existed? I wish I could remember to when I was a baby and knew nothing about this idea of "words" and "phrases", but like everything else that was awesome when I was baby...I can't remember. Did I realize what I was missing out on? I can kind of see how sounds cavemen made could have corresponded to certain simple nouns or verbs, and I can see how pictures and symbols on cave walls could mean similar things, but when the fuck did things like adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, and so on come into the mix? When did this idea of paragraphs and punctuation happen? And to think today, how fucking brilliant is it that these "symbols" we write and "sounds" we make all correspond to eachother. It just fucking blows my mind how complex and sophisticated this concept of "language" truly is.
And then another thing...how did different languages end up using the same letters. Like WTF? Did a big meeting take place where the alphabet was created and administered to leaders of certain countries and were given the objective to make a language using these symbols......Oh wait, the major languages came from Latin didn't they. I guess that answers my question....sort of.
And then another thing...how did different languages end up using the same letters. Like WTF? Did a big meeting take place where the alphabet was created and administered to leaders of certain countries and were given the objective to make a language using these symbols......Oh wait, the major languages came from Latin didn't they. I guess that answers my question....sort of.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Cant Get This Fucking Song Out of My Head....and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!
haha i just love that floating guitar with the wine and beer on it or the part where he just swims underwater playing that guitar oh so gracefully.
So this Rolling Rock shit??
So seriously (besides the horse bring up questions which I'm not gonna even think about because I guess other beers do have horses for logo so I guess it's not that out of the ordinary) wtf is up with the random as s Roman pillar like fence that suddenly becomes chain linked at the end? Like come on man?..or maybe it is a fire place?? I can kinda see that 2 (as in as well) but whatever it is 1. wtf the is it? and 2. most important what the fuck does it have to do with Rolling Rock? I tried researching it online thinking it must be a pretty significant thing or if not that at least someone u would think would have been wondering the same thing and would have went to ask.com or even Yahooanswers....but no, I was a lost boy with a broken lantern searching for the impossible......
College friends?...Hmmmm
So I was just putting a new "set" of sheets and pillow cases on my bed. When I mean "set" I really mean a host posh of different sheets and pillow cases none of which belong to the same set. Anyway you know like in the Spongebob episode where spongebob meets the school yard bully Flats and Patrick later introduces Flats to Spongy saying this is my old "college friend." I ve seen people refer to their "college friends" in my own personal life as well (just wanted to give you a visual you all can probably relate to). Anyway so when I finished putting my sheets and pillow cases do you think they were all introducing one another to each other with words such as "White Pillow Case, I would like to introduce you to my old laundry buddy Mr. Light Blue with Stripes Pillow case"...or maybe Yo Miss white sheet with pink and blue stripes me and this guy go way back to the Bed Bath & Beyond isle 14 shelf....Gotta Wonder what those guy are up to.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Check This Shit Out....CRAZY
Take this journey within ur thick skull walls into the core of all creation....
Just Give It A Try...But Only If Ur High
Just Give It A Try...But Only If Ur High
Besides from helping ur workout performance at the gym, the mysterious green medicine seems to also enhance my thinking regarding the gym...
Much like the bad guys in the cartoons always had hamsters running their little wheel to generate power, why can't we do that with people? Why can't we make a fred mill that uses the energy from u running to generate electricity? Think about all the work and movements being done at the gym and why can't we get energy from all that?.....or do we and i'm just an idiot. (Don't mind me if i am)
Much like the bad guys in the cartoons always had hamsters running their little wheel to generate power, why can't we do that with people? Why can't we make a fred mill that uses the energy from u running to generate electricity? Think about all the work and movements being done at the gym and why can't we get energy from all that?.....or do we and i'm just an idiot. (Don't mind me if i am)
Alright so a few days ago I posted about my friends dumb hypothesis that staying home and smoking weed will benefit him more than going to the gym in the very long run. The reasoning was cause the years added to your life from laughing was more than the years shaved off ur life for not going to the gym...well anyway thats the hypothesis. Agree or disagree with this as u please. It doesn't bother me because I have came just came up with the best thing ever that get s a little bit from both worlds. GO TO THE GYM!!!
Seriously, it does wonders to the body. In terms of working out it will allow u to have the most mental strength you ve ever had. Instead of thinking about how much your muscles hurt or how many minutes til the excursive is done, you ll be on a train zipping through ur imagination. you for sure won't be thinking about the pain and thus will be able to do more. Plus, smoking will relax your muscles which is necessary for growth and recovery. Your concentration will be unbelievable which will positively impact your lifting performance. Since ur high, u will also get ur fair share of laughing in (which does wonders for the lungs i might add) and thus fore u will have a good time and will stay longer and want to come back more often. While reefed the boring old gym will suddenly turn into a while diverse jungle with a myriad of things to explore. You will wanna "explore" all the excursive equipment and new diverse ways of lifting. Maybe you ll be so high that your alter ego (who s world champion weightlifter) shows up. You would be so motivated and into the lifting there would be no stopping u.
Smoking before hand along with cardio work outs would also be incredible for the pair of air tanks. unlike cigarettes, when u take a hit of weed, u hold it in for as long as u can which is like bench pressing ur lungs. this workout for u lungs will strengthen ur lungs and and bold ur lung capacity. Finally, after ur super duper workout and adventure at the gym, afterward u will feel so relaxed and tired that you ll go right to sleep and ur muscles will grow big and strong.
In otherwords, for a great workout, "All you need is a gym and weed."
- Clarence (aka C-Money $$$)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Another "High"dea
On 4/20, play a game of poker with friends but w/ one catch....you can only use weed to bet, put a scale in the middle of the table and bet in grams of weed. Just imagine that. get a bong going around too so as soon as people win big hands it can get packed immediately.
The unwritten rules finally written out
Marijuana Smoking Etiquette
October 16, 2009
Marijuana 101, Tips
1. The person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark up the joint and get first hit.
2. If someone rolls a nice joint, it’s good to give the person a complement on his rolling skills.
3. If someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the excuse that it’s okay for him to Bogart it since it’s his weed; this is definitely not cool. The punishment depends on the quality of the weed and how much he put in. (if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person and rag on him).
4. If someone is incapable to light the bowl (due to being too stoned or the person is just a not all there) then they must relinquish control of the lighter to someone more able to get it lit. This does NOT mean the person who lights gets free hits… this privilege tends to get abused (“hey lemme light it for you.”)
5. If someone is so much of a newbie stoner that they blow INTO the pipe/joint and blow all the shit on the floor, this person must be ragged on and the person can’t smoke on the next round (unless it was his stuff)
6. If you smoke with someone in your house, you should let him or her eat some munchies you may have lying around… don’t be cheap with your food, if you have any.
7. If someone who’s smoked asks for a sip of your soda, you must give him some, (cotton mouth is not fun).
8. Converse of #7: if you ask for a sip, don’t take a large gulp.
9. If smoking from a joint, never put the whole thing in your mouth and get it all sopping wet. It is disgusting and it messes up the joint.
10. If you’re smoking from a bong and there is not enough in the bowl for a whole other hit, you should save the smoke in the chamber for the next person. (Don’t let go of the rushhold or ‘carb’ and take it all yourself)
11. Never bogart
12. Never bitch about someone else’s weed being no good. If you don’t like it don’t smoke it!
13. If a friend gets you high sometime in the future you need to get that friend high
14. Thou shall not turn down a smoke. Ever!
15. Phrased in the form of a narrative: My buddy and I are sitting around smoking the weed that I just scored. After flaming-up, and taking a few moderate puffs, I pass it on. The sounds that follow can only be described as vacuum-like. After a couple of huge, lung-busting tokes, the guy passes back the remnants of something that could have, at some point, been a joint. If it’s not completely “canoed”, then it’s absolutely soaked. I not so subtly drop that old Cheech & Chong line “Hey man, can I wring it out for you?” He just looks at me.
16. I have noticed the following: After smoking-up, the odd “crass-monkey” some people will actually eat the stained, disgusting roach. This must be because they want that “extra bit” of oil, resin, or whatever is left on the paper. This situation can be compared to the patron of a good restaurant picking up his “as good as empty” plate and licking off the remaining morsels of food. Sure he got that little pool of gravy, but was it really worth it?
17. If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite to roll a joint, (a small one, if you wish) and smoke with the person who sells you the stuff.
18. It is very impolite to hand someone an empty bowl, without notifying that person of its possible cashed-ness. A proper warning would be ‘Here ya go. I think it might be cashed.
19. The person who fills the bowl is given the opportunity to take the first hit. It doesn’t matter whose weed it is.
20. Always remember to thank a person who has gotten you high. I know it sounds silly, but I know people who never say thanks and it gets a little annoying.
21. The person who brought the bud picks the music.
22. When using a bong, DON’T blow out the ashes, unless that’s what the “homeowner” does.
23. NEVER go to someone’s house EXPECTING him or her to catch you a buzz. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule…
24. If you spill the bong, clean it up! (And don’t forget to put water back in!)
25. When the roach gets too small, if someone has a problem with it, it is common courtesy here to put the roach in a bowl and finish it that way. That way the people who don’t mind burning their fingers don’t get it all.
26. Thou shall not roll pinners.
Random High Thought...
So i was thinking, could u build a fucking ill smoking device out of a vacuum some how?? don't know how it would be done or if it is already been done but that would be dope? comment if you have heard of such a thing or just have a random story about some smoking device. ...
The I Was So High that I....'s of the day....
"today I was so high that I looked up from my seated position and realized that I was in the drivers seat of my car and had been sitting at a stop sign for 2 full minutes. the worst part of it all, my 2 friends in the car were also too high to realize anything" - Carly -Burlington, VT
"I walked into the elevator and was so high that I couldn't stop giggling...there were 4 strangers in the elevator looking at me thinking like wtf and I was the last to get off. Believe it was awkward when its was just me and another dude and i tried explaining to him what was going on but I kept giggling so couldn't make out any words...just a lot of weird hand motions and tears of laughter?" -Brad, Amherst, MA
"My friends and I went to Wendy's the other day and I was in shotgun so naturally the first guy to get the bag after the driver reels it in from the dude at the window that hands it to u. anyway I reached into the bag grabbed my Jr. BC and then a chicken wrap...during this time where I became lost inside my food, the classic fast food argument ensued in the backside over who stole who's food, who owes who what, and who fucked up the order. when it got to the point that the enraged victim of the getting fast food stolen scheme yelled my name, I realize that not only were the burger and wrap not mine...I didn't even order anything...wtf was I thinking?" --Derek, Umass-Lowell
"I walked into the elevator and was so high that I couldn't stop giggling...there were 4 strangers in the elevator looking at me thinking like wtf and I was the last to get off. Believe it was awkward when its was just me and another dude and i tried explaining to him what was going on but I kept giggling so couldn't make out any words...just a lot of weird hand motions and tears of laughter?" -Brad, Amherst, MA
"My friends and I went to Wendy's the other day and I was in shotgun so naturally the first guy to get the bag after the driver reels it in from the dude at the window that hands it to u. anyway I reached into the bag grabbed my Jr. BC and then a chicken wrap...during this time where I became lost inside my food, the classic fast food argument ensued in the backside over who stole who's food, who owes who what, and who fucked up the order. when it got to the point that the enraged victim of the getting fast food stolen scheme yelled my name, I realize that not only were the burger and wrap not mine...I didn't even order anything...wtf was I thinking?" --Derek, Umass-Lowell
Monday, February 13, 2012
Did u know this song is legitimately about a girl being 10 days late on her period?
Hhaha well fuck me sideways. I always just assumed that this song had some deep inner meaning or some shit. didn't realize it was that shallow. I was at a party a few weeks ago and i tried to "impress" the smartest looking guy there by asking him what his thoughts were on the song. didn't realize the song was that straightforward...i guess the answer was just blowing in the wind...another great song so i might as well post that also...
And As Promised...
(Nothing against the Peter, Paul, and Mary version)
Smoking Weed Healthier Than Going to Gym???....DUHHHHH
So a friend of me said the most ridiculous thing yesterday. the context of the situation was group of friends were together and half of them decided to go to the gym while the other half was gonna stay back smoke weed, listen to the Matisayahu song One Day (the original NOT the akin remix)<--- not that bad tho, and play video games. well this one particular kid decided to stay back and part take in the non-gym activities (I don't even think he smoked he's just that classic kid that just gets high from being near high kids and gets all giggly too like a fucking monkey) and after many of the laughs that gigglers have after smoking this kid stood up in the smoky room and talked about how going to the gym would have been the healthier decision, and how he could shaving years off his life by not going. And then says how laughter is supposed to add years to ur life and he made the argument that it is healthier to not go to the gym and smoke weed because it s adding more years to his life thru laughter than he is loosing thru not going to the gym. Of course, immediately thought this was absurd but after thinking about for awhile..it makes perfect sense. I mean after all, laughter is the best medicine.
Are High-IQ People More Likely to Do Drugs?......DUHHHHHHHH
(From mental_floss) <-- I'm no thief as u can see....
Read the full text here: http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/108415#ixzz1mL5piABa
--brought to you by mental_floss!
anyway... without further adieu
In 1884, a young researcher named Sigmund Freud was studying the mysteries of the human brain when he wrote an article about cocaine. The scientist extolled its benefits in a paper, “Über Coca,” chronicling how he felt when he used the drug. For the next 12 years, Freud habitually used cocaine as he wrote some of his most influential works, including his theories about the Oedipus complex, psychoanalysis, and the unconscious mind.
Many people think that Freud was abnormal. Conventional wisdom implies that smarter people are less likely to use drugs. But a study from Cardiff University in Wales found that people with higher IQs are more likely to indulge in illegal drugs than people of average or lower intelligence.
Researchers surveyed 7,900 British people born in April 1970. At age 5 and 10, researchers measured their IQs and at 16 and 30, the researchers asked them to fill out surveys about psychological problems and drug use. By age 30, 35% of men and 16% of women admitted to smoking pot at least once in the past year, while 9% of men and 4% of women indulged in cocaine. People who copped to doing drugs also scored higher on IQ tests than those who did not partake.
Women in the top third of IQ scores were five times more likely to have used marijuana or cocaine than those ladies in the bottom third. Men with the highest IQs were almost 50% more likely to use amphetamines and 65% more likely to have used ecstasy.
Lead researcher, James White, provides several theories explaining why smarter people might indulge in drug use more frequently. He says that anti-drug campaigns often provide simple messages that might not appeal to smarter children. Also, bright people may experience more boredom and social isolation than their less intelligent peers. However, he thinks that attitudes might account for the differences:
Read the full text here: http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/108415#ixzz1mL5piABa
--brought to you by mental_floss!
I just came up with the BEST FUCKING IDEA ever. I don't have a lock box or anything like that in my dorm room so I have been thinking of cool and clever places to stash my cash if you well. I mean I've seen the movie 21 and the kid hides stacks his gambling money in his ceiling but my ceiling isn't one of those cool ceilings that you can push the tiles upward thereby creating a sort of canopy to put whatever you want.
Anywho...think of this...I am gonna keep my 'Ice' In Ice if u will. Yup u heard it, I'm gonna put the cash I'm not gonna be spending for awhile inside a giant ice cube and then freeze it to the bottom of my freezer. haaha what do u think would be going thru that bastard thief's head when he sees that. If's crunch on time (perhaps its a "friend" in ur room and u only left the room for a second so they need a quick grab and put in pocket. the ice is just throwing them a fucking wrench. What do they do??...Its funny to cuz the fridge portion of my refrigerator has a lock, but the freezer does not. Who need's one anyway with a fuck 'high'dea like this...also if u are wondering y I don't just put my money in the bank...it is simple. my bank from my hometown does not exist where i go to school so thus fore I must use the ATM to take out money. Only problem tho, it charges a fucking load to do that every time i withdraw money. In other words, I should just withdrawal a lot of money at once it can hold me over for awhile and prevent these unnecessary charges. Im not gonna wanna carry all this money around in my wallet for obvious reasons and I don't feel comfortable leaving it in my room with a proper box so what do I do?..................ICE ON ICE. (I understand "ice" is a stretch when using it to refer to paper money, but u could also but ur ice (in the sense of jewelry, diamonds, etc.) on ice and it would keep it just as safe and the shit would be even more 'cool' when u wore it again. (Absolutely no pun intended <-- with 'cool'
*** kinda funny interesting fact speaking of that pun...when Calvin Coolidge was running for president, Americans didn't want no war or anything, so people use wanted to keep it calm so his slogan was it 'cool' with Coolidge. From there, we started referring to anything awesome we just say "cool". :)
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