Thursday, April 12, 2012

And no, there's no particular reason that this video is here other than the fact that it relative to the title of the next post. 

Chinese Torture Chamber

Tonight I experience true sick and twisted torture. Like something you would see in a fucking Saw movie. A few friends of mine were flipping through the channels and then after seeing anything worth watching when to the classic default. (TV Guide Channel) As we watched the various late night shows scroll up the screen I couldn't help but notice the song that was playing. It was a classic. A Big 90's hit I thought to myself. As I began singing it to myself I realized that I couldn't recall the title and or artist of that song for the life of me...I really liked this song so I began to panic. Shit i thought, this is an amazing song that I used to love and for one reason or another it regretfully never fond its way into my I-tunes library. As I began concentrating and listening to this song attentively hopping top pick up some lyrics from which I could use Google to identify this song, I couldn't block out the news from the lively discussion taking place around me. I explained to my friends the situation and what did they do?...Talked loud. They started yelling things and asking my  menacing rhetorical questions such as  "Wait are you trying to find the artist of this song?" or "Yo do you know who sings this?" or even better "Dude you like this song?". It was unbearable I began to panic as I was picturing agonizing life I would live of I never heard this song again. I thought of all the sleepless night and col sweats there will be. The worst part of it all was I had recently recovered the title of a song which I had been searching for year, and so I was loving the relaxation and satisfaction of knowing you never let a good song get away because you could never find it again. I NEEDED TO FIND THIS SONG. I began to yell and what'd they do...they turned the volume of the TV all the way down. It was like a dagger to the heart. I couldn't believe this. I kept trying to convince my self that I would be able to replay the song in my head and the lyrics would hit me and I would be able to look it up. This wasn't happening though. I sat there in quiet utter defeat when  suddenly one of those douche bags who relentlessly and selfishly did this to me had the audacity to say "Hey man, did you actually know the name of that song? I actually wanna know. It would be great for 90's playlist." You got to be fist fucking me I thought to myself. Then this kids partner in crime walked back into the room and also wanted to know the name of that song. We hastily all brain stormed together picking out bits and pieces of the lyrics until finally we had something. It was just good old fashion stoner teamwork that got the job done. Anyway here it is...The song that          almo st 

got        aw a  y .


Big Night Out

You know how in our culture it's not uncommon for people to treat a person to dinner on their birthday. It's kind of a big night for that person. Well I feel like the stoner equivalency to this moment is when someone breaks their not smoking streak and sees how much tolerance they really have now. I mean in all serious, this is a big night for that smoker. It's been awhile for that smoker and they have more than likel been craving it and saving it for that moment. They know they're going to get super high in a second and it's just the greatest feeling. Anyway like a friend may pay for you on your birthday, in this smoking case it's a huge night for the smoker and so (like at the dinner table it's not uncommon for the fellow stones to treat this anxious stoner and smoke him up. Wow the smoking circle and family table really are one in the same.

Now It Hit Me (But I Wish I Was Still Hitting Her)

So as I mentioned before, I had a tragic loss in my life about  a month ago. My bong fell (jumped) out of it's $50 bong carrying case and shattered on the floor. Now if you didn't this, I am not the most responsible kid. (Face it I'm a stoner)I'm always breaking or loosing shit because I don't take good care of it. Anyway seeing I had broken my first bong a few weeks earlier I promised myself I would take very good care of this bong and make sure it doesn't break. It's kind of funny how the one big precaution a took (getting a big cushioned case/bag to keep it in) ending up being the reason it broke.Like how fucking ironic. It just blows my mind. The reason the bong fell (jumped) out of the bag was because it 's was unzipped so when I picked up the carrying bag, it slipped out the back side. If I hadn't used the bag, I would have just picked up the bong as normal and she wouldn't have broken. 

And Speaking of Irony....