Monday, April 30, 2012
The Watering Hole or Should I Say Bowl...
Have you ever noticed how the smoking circle is just like an watering hole in the Savannah. Friends, enemies, lions, elephants, all brought together for a little piece of mother nature. Just like the stoner circle, nobody fights at the watering hole. Everyone's there to enjoy it together and live in peace. In a dry desert water's the one thing that can bring such a diverse group of animals together, in a dry and dull world, weeds the one thing that could ever bring a hippie, a gangster, and your average joe together. I mean really, where else would you ever find Wiz Khalifa, Obama, and Michael Phelps together?
***I know said nobody fights at the watering hole but this video is one exception and it's too fucking good to leave out of the blog in order to protect my credibility.
and speaking of the smoking circle....
Sunday, April 29, 2012
What's his story?
Have you ever looked at some of these iconic pictures in western culture and noticed some of the characters in the background? Like I honestly want to know what certain people's stories are. Like why the fuck are they there. I think the would be the sickest claim to fame for someone to be "that guy standing on the curb of Abbey Road". I think the coolest movie ever regardless if it's a comedy, drama, thriller, or whatever else would start with like a look at some very well known and iconic picture and then make the movie about 5 or so unrelated people in the background and how they all come in contact with each other throughout the movie (kinda of like the movie Crash) and as the pieces of the puzzle of the movie come together and brings them all to that moment in history. Like for the Jordan picture, imagine a movie involving a couple at the game, a news reporter, a cop, a bookie, and some rich dude that got front row tickets. The movie could end with this snap shot and people's mind ( due to whatever happened in the movie) would be blown.
Chinese Buffet=Stoner Paradise
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Check out what this kid did
“went to short dogs house,
they was watching Yo MTV
Yo MTV RAPS first aired:
Aug 6th 1988
Ice Cubes single “today was a good day” released on:
Feb 23 1993
”The Lakers beat the Super
Dates between Yo MTV Raps air date AUGUST 6 1988 and the release of the single FEBRUARY 23 1993 where the Lakers beat the Super Sonics:
Nov 11 1988 114-103
Nov 30 1988 110-106
Apr 4 1989 115-97
Apr 23 1989 121-117
Jan 17 1990 100-90
Feb 28 1990 112-107
Mar 25 1990 116-94
Apr 17 1990 102-101
Jan 18 1991 105-96
Mar 24 1991 113-96
Apr 21 1991 103-100
Jan 20 1992 116-110
Dates of those Laker wins over SuperSonics where it was a clear day with no Smog:
Nov 30 1988
Apr 4 1989
Jan 18 1991
Jan 20 1992
“Got a beep from Kim, and
she can fuck all night”
beepers weren’t adopted by mobile phone companies until the 1990s. Dates left where mobile beepers were availible to public:
Jan 18 1991
Jan 20 1992
Ice Cube starred in the film “Boyz in the hood” that released late Summer of 1991, but was being filmed mid-late 1990 early 1991 and Ice Cube was busy on set filming the movie Jan 18 1991 too busy to be lounging around the streets with no plans. Ladies and Gentlemen..
“went to short dogs house,
they was watching Yo MTV
Yo MTV RAPS first aired:
Aug 6th 1988
Ice Cubes single “today was a good day” released on:
Feb 23 1993
”The Lakers beat the Super
Dates between Yo MTV Raps air date AUGUST 6 1988 and the release of the single FEBRUARY 23 1993 where the Lakers beat the Super Sonics:
Nov 11 1988 114-103
Nov 30 1988 110-106
Apr 4 1989 115-97
Apr 23 1989 121-117
Jan 17 1990 100-90
Feb 28 1990 112-107
Mar 25 1990 116-94
Apr 17 1990 102-101
Jan 18 1991 105-96
Mar 24 1991 113-96
Apr 21 1991 103-100
Jan 20 1992 116-110
Dates of those Laker wins over SuperSonics where it was a clear day with no Smog:
Nov 30 1988
Apr 4 1989
Jan 18 1991
Jan 20 1992
“Got a beep from Kim, and
she can fuck all night”
beepers weren’t adopted by mobile phone companies until the 1990s. Dates left where mobile beepers were availible to public:
Jan 18 1991
Jan 20 1992
Ice Cube starred in the film “Boyz in the hood” that released late Summer of 1991, but was being filmed mid-late 1990 early 1991 and Ice Cube was busy on set filming the movie Jan 18 1991 too busy to be lounging around the streets with no plans. Ladies and Gentlemen..
The ONLY day where:
Yo MTV Raps was on air
It was a clear and smogless day
Beepers were commercially sold
Lakers beat the SuperSonics
and Ice Cube had no events to attend was…
Yo MTV Raps was on air
It was a clear and smogless day
Beepers were commercially sold
Lakers beat the SuperSonics
and Ice Cube had no events to attend was…
JANUARY 20 1992
National Good Day Day
National Good Day Day
That's the thing tho. When they say you are what you eat, they should really say you are what you smoke. Think about it alcohol is essentially poison or even better the shit and it makes people dark and evil and angry. Weed on the other hand is indeed a piece mother nature herself and after smoking you feel natural, happy, and newly born just like nature.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Smoke Trick Artist and Outfielders
So recently I realized a striking similarity between a skilled smoke trick blower and a baseball outfield. That is both of these vital athletes abilities to perform can be great inhibited by the weather and most specifically the sun and wind. For if it is windy, much like an outfielder may have trouble reading a fly ball, the smoke trick artist may trouble reading the movement of the smoke if it is too windy. Also just like an outfielder may have trouble seeing fly ball in the glaring sun, bad lighting (either too dim or too bright) can deter the smokers (and audience's) ability to see the smoke.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
You know joints are kinda of like snowflakes in that (besides from both being white, delicate, and a symbol of good things to come) no two are ever alike. Each one is a little different and unique in its own special way.
Bless This Bowl
You know in the Christian (probably other religions too) it's often customary to have a special guest to say grace before breaking bread (or at least during big occasions). Or say you were eating with a priest for some odd reason (perhaps you have one in the family?) it would be a given that the priest would bless the food and lead everyone in prayer before the first meal. Well on 4:20 I feel like a similar thing should happen in the smoking circles. Perhaps the guest or the honorary veteran smoker shall bless the bowl before smoking it and maybe even get him first hit. Or maybe when you buy your bag, you ask your dealer to place the first bowl and take a complimentary hit.
**Also I know some stoners in our black community may have taken offense to one of my past posts (^http://secretstonersociety.blogspot.com/2012/03/extra-extra-read-all-about-it.html) lighters. I am deeply sorry and as a token of my sincere sympathy I featured African Americans in the last picture.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
A Million Dollar "High"dea
You know how they have those shot glass (or any other sized drinking glasses for that matter) with marked horizontal lines on the side of it each representing each level of drinking. For example the lowest line may read "pussy", then the next one would say "wimp", then maybe "cool", and then the highest line would say something like "badass". Or I know some college shot glasses do a similar thing with freshmen being at the bottom and then sophomore, junior, senior, grad student, etc. Well anyway I was thinking of doing the same thing only for smoking. You could do that with an ash tray for example or even a bowl. The lowest line could read like "Rookie" then "Recreation Smoker" and then "Veteran" and then the highest line would be,of course, "Stoner".
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
First Marijuana Death?
So a few weeks ago my friend and I passed some scrawny, shady, hitch-hiking son of a bitch on Main St. To say the least, this fellow looked like a sleazy kid. Neither of us knew him but he just looked like scum bag. The thing was, he wasn’t big at all, nor was he what I would consider a thug. If anything he was kinda hickish.
Anyway it crossed my mind at one moment that maybe I should pick him up. You know for shits and giggles. But as soon as I suggested that my friend immediately reminded me of the fact that my bong was in the back seat which is right next to where this character would be sitting. While he didn’t look a kid that would pull a knife on us and try to take our money, he definitely seemed like the kind of kid that might grab it when he got out and run off. Now the immediate thing any reasonable dude would say after this is obviously, “Well then we would just go find this scrub and kick his ass.” (After all this kid was about half our size.)
The thing is my friend and I both agreed was that this is not the kind of kid that we would want to fight. Yeah either of us could probably take by ourselves, but the thing was this is definitely the kind of kid that carries a knife. Although he wasn’t a kid that would try robbing us with a knife he just struck us as a kid that would definitely have a knife on him. And as everyone knows a knife fight without a knife is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. You just have no chance,
So now imagine…Say he did kill one of us. Would they (meaning the government and health officials) consider this the first marijuana death? Gotta wonder…
And speaking of bringing a knife to a gun fight...
And speaking of bringing a knife to a gun fight...
Monday, April 16, 2012
Crack Me A Bud
Just like beers are brew in different ways and have a myriad of varieties the same could be said with this smoke. Some of it would be burned from a lighter others matches, and some could have special flavors and colors. I'm talking a whole new industry for this shit. When weed is legalized Amheuser Busch better be the first ones to jump on this profitable and promising market and release a new sort of "Bud" Light.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Chinese Torture Chamber
Tonight I experience true sick and twisted torture. Like something you would see in a fucking Saw movie. A few friends of mine were flipping through the channels and then after seeing anything worth watching when to the classic default. (TV Guide Channel) As we watched the various late night shows scroll up the screen I couldn't help but notice the song that was playing. It was a classic. A Big 90's hit I thought to myself. As I began singing it to myself I realized that I couldn't recall the title and or artist of that song for the life of me...I really liked this song so I began to panic. Shit i thought, this is an amazing song that I used to love and for one reason or another it regretfully never fond its way into my I-tunes library. As I began concentrating and listening to this song attentively hopping top pick up some lyrics from which I could use Google to identify this song, I couldn't block out the news from the lively discussion taking place around me. I explained to my friends the situation and what did they do?...Talked loud. They started yelling things and asking my menacing rhetorical questions such as "Wait are you trying to find the artist of this song?" or "Yo do you know who sings this?" or even better "Dude you like this song?". It was unbearable I began to panic as I was picturing agonizing life I would live of I never heard this song again. I thought of all the sleepless night and col sweats there will be. The worst part of it all was I had recently recovered the title of a song which I had been searching for year, and so I was loving the relaxation and satisfaction of knowing you never let a good song get away because you could never find it again. I NEEDED TO FIND THIS SONG. I began to yell and what'd they do...they turned the volume of the TV all the way down. It was like a dagger to the heart. I couldn't believe this. I kept trying to convince my self that I would be able to replay the song in my head and the lyrics would hit me and I would be able to look it up. This wasn't happening though. I sat there in quiet utter defeat when suddenly one of those douche bags who relentlessly and selfishly did this to me had the audacity to say "Hey man, did you actually know the name of that song? I actually wanna know. It would be great for 90's playlist." You got to be fist fucking me I thought to myself. Then this kids partner in crime walked back into the room and also wanted to know the name of that song. We hastily all brain stormed together picking out bits and pieces of the lyrics until finally we had something. It was just good old fashion stoner teamwork that got the job done. Anyway here it is...The song that almo st
got aw a y .
.Big Night Out
You know how in our culture it's not uncommon for people to treat a person to dinner on their birthday. It's kind of a big night for that person. Well I feel like the stoner equivalency to this moment is when someone breaks their not smoking streak and sees how much tolerance they really have now. I mean in all serious, this is a big night for that smoker. It's been awhile for that smoker and they have more than likel been craving it and saving it for that moment. They know they're going to get super high in a second and it's just the greatest feeling. Anyway like a friend may pay for you on your birthday, in this smoking case it's a huge night for the smoker and so (like at the dinner table it's not uncommon for the fellow stones to treat this anxious stoner and smoke him up. Wow the smoking circle and family table really are one in the same.
Now It Hit Me (But I Wish I Was Still Hitting Her)
So as I mentioned before, I had a tragic loss in my life about a month ago. My bong fell (jumped) out of it's $50 bong carrying case and shattered on the floor. Now if you didn't this, I am not the most responsible kid. (Face it I'm a stoner)I'm always breaking or loosing shit because I don't take good care of it. Anyway seeing I had broken my first bong a few weeks earlier I promised myself I would take very good care of this bong and make sure it doesn't break. It's kind of funny how the one big precaution a took (getting a big cushioned case/bag to keep it in) ending up being the reason it broke.Like how fucking ironic. It just blows my mind. The reason the bong fell (jumped) out of the bag was because it 's was unzipped so when I picked up the carrying bag, it slipped out the back side. If I hadn't used the bag, I would have just picked up the bong as normal and she wouldn't have broken.
And Speaking of Irony....
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Always Loved This One,But Now I Want To Make Love To It
I always been a big Peppers fan and I've always loved this song. It's my spring time song for some reason. Just makes me think of spring. Anyway it's amazing as is, but it's one of those songs that's just amazing when stoned. The thing I realized the other day, however, is this whole time I was missing the best fucking the part...The Music Video. Trippy as fuck.
Interesting Product
It's just a fact of nature that Bakooka may be one of the worst bubble gums. Like it looses it's already plain and dull flavor very early, it sucks for blowing bubbles, and its so hard that's a bitch to get going. The thing is people (including myself) still buy it. I was wondering why this is so and concluded that (bedsides from being dirt cheap) the comics included are a big attraction. I can recall times anxiously unwrapping that small pink brink just to get to that small piece of paper. I always had very high expectations too. I would be really looking forward to good laugh with some of those use characters and the thing was...I was always disappointed. Like those comics were so bad. Some were just plain stupid. So not only is this gum shitty tasting, shitty for blowing bubbles, hard as a fucking rock, but the one incentive to buy it (the comics) are shitty as fuck.
Alright you the bubble gum brand Bubblicious how they specialize and pride themselves as being one of the gums for blowing bubbles, well what if they were was a specific strain of weed created that made blowing bubbles, rings, O's, etc. very easy and made them look incredible. A specific strain just for smoke tricks, kind of like a hookah smoke. How sick would that be.
The "Flyest" and "Freshest" Food
You know how many local pizza joints advertise wood fired pizza. (I mean after all it's the clearly the best kind. Just so fresh and crisp. )Well would if one pizza joint (no pun intended) decided to throw everyone a curve ball and scramble some ideas together to advertise "weed fired pizza". Imagine devouring a beautiful tender slice of pizza that had the natural refreshing taste of dank bud as an after taste. Would it get you high? I have no idea but this concept is just brilliant. Not only would this place allow stoners to explore their creative side and experiment with a wide variety of toppings, but in additional they could get adventurous and try different types of bud to be burned with their pizza. The opportunities are endless.
**check these guys out by the way... http://www.thelocal420.com/
**check these guys out by the way... http://www.thelocal420.com/
Sunday, April 8, 2012
The Highest Place (Literally)
The coolest thing about Colorado, (besides from obtaining the wonderful and heroic Peyton Manning) is that they are literally the highest people in the US. Like not only do they smoke a shit loud of weed and have hippie skiers and all that jazz, but elevation wise they are also mad high. Especially Denver. That's clearly why Peyton Manning chose to go to the Broncos. The guy had serious surgery and has taken a fair amount of hits in his long enduring career. Plus he is starting to get old. (In terms of birthdays, clearly not in ability)The guy clearly wanted to be in place where medicinal marijuana is legal. He's a smart guy. He's played in the NFL enough to know what all those prescribed pain killers really do to you. He's seen players get all fucked up later on from all those substances and supplements during the playing days. Manning know's what's good. He knows that in order to play like God, you have use what God made for us. Weed. Peyton's no idiot he know's it all about that natural shit. The good old green. It 's all purpose, Work out supplement, pain killer, stress reliever, and performance enhancer.
New Smoker Trend
You know the word bona fide....
bo·na fide
[boh-nuh fahyd, bon-uh; boh-nuh fahy-dee]
made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud: a bona fide statement of intent to sell.
authentic; true: a bona fide sample of Lincoln's handwriting.
Well i'm trying to initiate the use of the word "stona fide" to describe these qualities when used in the smoking context. For example, an authentic or true bong could be referred to as "stona fide" and the same could be said about a fellow stoner with similar qualities.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Death of a Bong
^ All that remains of poor Harvey
This past weekend my dear bong Harvey had a tragic fall. He jumped...or should I say she jumped. That's the thing, Harvey was truly of the feminine gender, but trapped inside a boys body and I wouldn't accept her for that.
I rushed into purchasing Harvey shortly after my first and true love Dylan had a climatic life taking accident. I wanted to replace Dylan so much that I was blinded to see the deep personal moments you have when you first purchase your pride and joy. That magical moment when your baked self suddenly realize the perfect name for he or she seized to exist for me. I quickly forced a male name on the poor thing before even taking time to see what it's gender was. I never had a special bond this bong like I had with Dylan. I never shower with this one nor did I me and him (or I should say her) have a special song. I was still mourning Dylan's death and didn't even give these moments a chance to happen with Harvey. I was a cruel an stubborn unreasonable bong owner making a "casual smoker" mistake. I should have had D.B.S. (Department of Bong Services) called on me for crying out loud.
A High Man's Best Friend
On a hot spring afternoon, after driving for awhile with the sun in your eyes, right after you just smoked nothing sounds more refreshing than a nice, cold, Cumby’s chill zones. The best in this world you can buy for less than a buck…(I know what your gonna say, but before you say it just remember the dollar menu items at fast food restaurants actually cost more than a dollar with tax). Anyway as I majestically made mine the other day I just got lost in the different colors. I felt like an artist working on a masterpiece. Time just seemed to stop and it was just me, that plastic cup, and that magnificent wondrous machine.
When my cup was finally filled to the brim, I anxiously stabbed the red straw the hole at the top and began to slowly slurp the icy cold refreshment…Mmmm It was delicious and it made all that time and effort seem so worth it. I, with my own two hands, had just created a culinary masterpiece. But then I thought about it afterward, no matter how bad it tasted or how much the different flavors ruined each other’s taste, I was so high that it was going to taste delicious regardless. Just all the cold, flavors, and colors mixed into one complex potion. Then I thought, I bet no matter the circumstance a chill zone will taste so amazing when stoned. Like it’s just impossible to fuck up. Plus it is so entertaining to make it and will really make you feel like an artist. I recommend everyone do this as soon as possible.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hey Man That Smokes Mad 'Cool'. Or 'Stonecold' if you will.
I want to start a smoker social movement in which we use the term "stone cold" to describe smoke from a bong that has ice in it. I mean think about it whenever you smoke with ice the smoke is cold and seeing it,s also getting you stoned, it's best described as "stone cold."
Why Isn't This An Early 90's Sitcom's Theme Song?
Don't Stop Believing definitely should have been the theme song to one of those 90's sitcoms. You know like Full House, Family Matters, Cheers, Friends, shows like that. This song just belongs there. It's just so inspiring, uplifting, loveable, laughable, corny stereotype song that everybody knows. I can just picture this being played during the opening entrance jingle where those show clips of each of the main characters.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
And We're Back!!!!
After a week long hiatus, Clarence and the crew are back for a strong week ahead. It's just the start of the official smoking weed month, April and we got a lot coming at you.
The Smoker's Box
Mega Fools Day
So as you all probably know, this past Thurs.'s mega millions jack pot was at over $426 million. (A record setting amount.) Anyway, as I write to you on this April Fool's Day my mind keeps lingering toward a scenario where a huge drawing like this actually happened on April Fools Day. Haha Like just imagine if they announced the numbers as an April Fool's Joke and then announce the real ones shortly after. I imagine so many people would be calling their friends and family cracking that very original "Guess what I won the lottery!" April Fools Joke. An opportunity for the all time greatest joke ever would fall into the hands of the lucky son-of-a-gun that actually won. Imagine also if he sold all he had just to buy these tickets. Imagine if him and his wife were just huddled together in rags and old blankets in a cold empty room with a dripping ceiling sitting by shitty radio listening to the numbers and when they were all announced the husband just cussed and looked at his wife saying "Damn, I didn't win. I guess we'll be living on the streets."......APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!
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