Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bong's Should Have Theme Songs

I named my ex-Bong after Bob Dylan. Ill go right out and say that. The thing I can't stand more than anything else is cliche or half ass bong names. Like someone's own personal bong is really a part of them and therefore the name should be unique to their relatiuonship and should be something cool that goes along with the bong.  For example I knew a guy who had a beautiful  deep purple bong. Me, being the clever and witty one, thought that since when you smoke, you have "Smoke on Water" (reference to the song by the band Deep Purple which as I mentioned earlier is the color of the bong), that the bong should thus fore be named Deep Purple and he should play the song Smoke on Water when he uses it.. Didn't work out that way for the poor bong. The idiot named it Boy Blue and all I can think about is how blue the bong must be with such a stupid and generic name. Why didn't he just name it John Smith or Bong.

Anyway...the cool thing that was going to happen (before he passed)was that whenever Dylan and I got together we were going to listen to Bob Dylan specifically Blowin' In the Wind. The bottom line...bongs need theme songs.  This one would have been great as well  especially cuz there's so many places to go with it. After hearing it you might thing of Cudi and then listen to Cudi and then who knows what. All great smoking music so everyone's a winner.

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