Sunday, February 26, 2012

This Fucking Gets Me Everytime

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Smokin' Babe of the Day

Oh I just love the green. WTF is the white thing at the end of the bong. Is that a condom? If it is then this girl just went up a few notches in my book.

Strain of the Day

Dutch Dragon

Why the fuck are MacBook Chargers so fucking huge?

Like it's the only charger I know that is so god damn huge. What's the need for all that volume?

My 2 sense (or should I say High 2 Sense)

Alright I know you are all thinking like wtf Clarence? No, but seriously take a second to think about this. I'm no amateur to modern dumb comedies so believe me I realize that the character was played by Adam Scott. What I am saying is they should have gotten Ben Stiller to play that part. Like legitimately he would have done it so much better. He would have killed it like Pontius Pilate. (Had to throw some religious joke in here somewhere---come on its the season of lent) Now listen I know what you're all thinking---Ben Stiller? Like from Meet the Parents?....The simple answer is NO! Ben Stiller from his acting and playing (like the sport) days as White Goodman, the star and face of the evil Globo-Gym team in the movie DodgeBall. Like I'm pretty sure the design of Derek was models after Still as Goodman. Like I can just so see White doing some weird quick hand and finger motions as he says {probably gonna massacre this quote [another place where I could have set up a Jesus joke...or even a Hitler joke but that would be sick.--(as in fucked up)]} "The truth is I just smoked a J out in my car a few minutes ago... feeling a little spacey". Like I can so see White from Dodgeball saying that. I'm pretty sure in both movies there 's a scene where the show of their ripped abs (so ripped that it just looks funny) and make some dumb comment. Matter of fact, why didn't they just straight up use White from Dodge ball as Derek. They pretty much could have just taken scenes from Dodgeball and inserted. The characters are one in the same. Don't 
believe me? Take a gander yourself. 


Just check out his entrance with those hand motions. I can so see him doing that while saying ,"Feeling kind of spacey." (Below)

This one really hit the spot tonight

Smoking Babe of the Day

I don't know what it is but something about the stare just makes this girl so sexy. Plus, you can't complain about the classic bowl.

The Lighter

Everyone's heard of it, dreamt of it, and if you're on this site then you've probably experienced this first hand. The infamous, unexplainable, and unavoidable lighter disappearance that takes place at every smoking circle. You know after a few minutes of everyone in their own worlds thinking in deep thought random deep  shit and finally the person that has the bong in front of them decides to finally take a hit, looks on the floor, checks his pockets, looks around, checks his pocket again, then pops the famous question "Yo u got the lighter?" and everyone looks around checks their pockets but come up empty. Lot
of good lights lost in those smoking circles. Yeah they are all eventually found (always in some idiot's pocket) but in those few seconds where they get lost wtf actually happens. I always thought about like video taping a smoke session for the sole purpose of seeing what type of wild journey the lighter goes on during the session.

Bong's Should Have Theme Songs

I named my ex-Bong after Bob Dylan. Ill go right out and say that. The thing I can't stand more than anything else is cliche or half ass bong names. Like someone's own personal bong is really a part of them and therefore the name should be unique to their relatiuonship and should be something cool that goes along with the bong.  For example I knew a guy who had a beautiful  deep purple bong. Me, being the clever and witty one, thought that since when you smoke, you have "Smoke on Water" (reference to the song by the band Deep Purple which as I mentioned earlier is the color of the bong), that the bong should thus fore be named Deep Purple and he should play the song Smoke on Water when he uses it.. Didn't work out that way for the poor bong. The idiot named it Boy Blue and all I can think about is how blue the bong must be with such a stupid and generic name. Why didn't he just name it John Smith or Bong.

Anyway...the cool thing that was going to happen (before he passed)was that whenever Dylan and I got together we were going to listen to Bob Dylan specifically Blowin' In the Wind. The bottom line...bongs need theme songs.  This one would have been great as well  especially cuz there's so many places to go with it. After hearing it you might thing of Cudi and then listen to Cudi and then who knows what. All great smoking music so everyone's a winner.

Don't You Just Love Finding the Song Sampled in One of Your Favorite Songs?

I was always really into this song...I mean like real into it. It's catchy, has a great meaning, and  the lyrics are not only clever, but easy to understand. Like anyone can sing this if they wanted. Anyway I was listening through the ole I-tunes library the other day and came across the Bob Dylan song Lay Lady Lay. I think if you all listen for one second you'll see how it relates to the Cudi song.