Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Lighter

Everyone's heard of it, dreamt of it, and if you're on this site then you've probably experienced this first hand. The infamous, unexplainable, and unavoidable lighter disappearance that takes place at every smoking circle. You know after a few minutes of everyone in their own worlds thinking in deep thought random deep  shit and finally the person that has the bong in front of them decides to finally take a hit, looks on the floor, checks his pockets, looks around, checks his pocket again, then pops the famous question "Yo u got the lighter?" and everyone looks around checks their pockets but come up empty. Lot
of good lights lost in those smoking circles. Yeah they are all eventually found (always in some idiot's pocket) but in those few seconds where they get lost wtf actually happens. I always thought about like video taping a smoke session for the sole purpose of seeing what type of wild journey the lighter goes on during the session.

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